Manufacturing-related research and development takes time to product results, and is highly risky. For these reasons, it is often avoided, but our members were drawn together by a sense of the social importance of what we were seeking to achieve, and our high level of motivation. We have also been blessed with customers, manufacturing partners, and shareholders who shared our desire to develop new products. Together, we have taken on numerous challenges since we were founded in 2011. We will continue to experiment and create new products that change the world, never allowing our ideas to become rigid or inflexible.
Our first decision was to focus on "touch." Touch is one of the five basic senses, along with sight, hearing, smell, and taste. Sight is widely used in the form of vision systems, but many touch-related technologies are still in their research stages. Our goal is to be a front-runner in their commercialization. The commercialization of tactile sensors will make it possible for robots to do things that only people can do now, and will enable the creation of realistic input devices for video games, VR applications, and more. We are confident that they will contribute to innovation in numerous fields, such as beauty, medicine, and sports.

We seek to enable as many customers as possible to easily leverage new technologies by standardizing research technologies as products.

Original Sensor Parts
Original sensor part development
We identify promising research technologies and develop new sensor parts.
Sensor Parts page

Original Products
Original product design and development
We develop original products that leverage the features of sensors.
Original Parts page

Order Products
Special order product design and development
We use our unique sensing technologies to meet all manner of detailed performance, shape, and other requests.
Order Products page